Book recommendations for Sales Efficiency

A list of the best books to increase sales efficiency.

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The Leading Brain: Neuroscience Hacks to Work Smarter, Better, Happier

Friederike Fabritius, Hans W. Hagemann

The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Success

Gary Keller, Jay Papasan

Crossing the Chasm

Geoffrey A. Moore

Lead Live: Effective Management for a New World

Fredmund Malik

The Second Machine Age: How the next digital revolution will change all of our lives

Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee

Reinventing Organizations: A guide to designing meaningful forms of collaboration

Frederic Laloux

To have or to be: The emotional foundations of a new society

Erich Fromm

Fighting for Happiness: How successful entrepreneurs also manage their private lives

Florian Kempkes

Handbook on the Psychology of Pricing: 100+ Effects on Persuasion and Influence Every Entrepreneur, Marketer and Pricing Manager Needs to Know

Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky

BrainScripts for Sales Success: 21 Hidden Principles of Consumer Psychology for Winning New Customers

Drew Eric Whitman

The Sales MBA: How to Influence Corporate Buyers

Douglas Cole

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Donald Miller

How to Grow Your Small Business: A 6-Step Plan to Help Your Business Take Off

Donald Miller

Know how to write

Daniela Rorig

Negotiating the Impossible

Deepak Malhotra

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