Book recommendations for Sales Efficiency

A list of the best books to increase sales efficiency.

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Your will be done: leadership for entrepreneurs. The path to self-determination and freedom

Stefan Merath

Secrets of Closing the Sale

Zig Ziglar, Kevin Harrington

Product-Led Growth: How to Build a Product That Sells Itself

Wes Bush

The 4-hour week: More time, more money, more life

Timothy Ferriss

60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery: The Entrepreneur, Executive, and Employee's Guide to Optimize Your Profile, Make Meaningful Connections, and Create Compelling Content, in Just 15 Minutes a Day

Virginie Cantin

Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It... and Why the Rest Don't (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)

Verne Harnish

Marketing and Sales Automation: Basics — Implementation — Applications (German Edition)

Uwe Hannig

The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management

Tom DeMarco

Tools of Titans

Tim Ferriss

T2D3: How Some Software Startups Scale, Where Many Fail

Stijn Hendrikse, Mike Northfield

Next Level Sales Coaching: How to Build a Sales Team That Stays, Sells, and Succeeds

Steve Johnson, Matthew Hawk

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

Stephen R Covey

Speed of Trust

Stephen M. R. Covey

The Age of Agile: How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done

Stephen Denning

Acquisition @B2B: Acquiring New Customers in the Digital Age (Edition Sales Excellence) (German Edition)

Stephan Heinrich

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