Peter Thiel, Blake Masters

Zero to One: How innovation saves our society


“Zero to One: How Innovation Saves Our Society” underlines that true innovation comes from monopoly pursuit and conventional competitive thinking hinders innovation. Thiel provides guidance for technology startups to achieve real, societal progress.

Peter Thiel, Blake Masters


The book “Zero to One: How Innovation Saves Our Society” by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters discusses how true innovation — the jump from zero to one — can be realized and promoted. Problem: The prevailing appreciation for competition hinders innovation as it leads to compliance and limited progress. Solution: Thiel argues for striving for monopolies through innovation, as this enables new companies to create significant value. The result: A paradigm shift that promotes vertical progress and thus the development of completely new technologies and solutions that move society forward. A guide for technology startups to challenge conventional wisdom and make real progress.