Larry Apke

Understanding the Agile Manifesto


“Understanding the Agile Manifesto” by Larry Apke is an in-depth guide to implementing agile methodology based on his experience to achieve true agility, useful for technology entrepreneurs in B2B sales. It increases the understanding and benefits of flexibility, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Larry Apke


In “Understanding the Agile Manifesto” by Larry Apke, interested parties receive well-founded explanations of the basis of agile methodology, the Agile Manifesto. As an experienced agile coach, Apke offers deep insights into the principles and practices that are essential for implementing agile projects. This book is particularly valuable for entrepreneurs and sales professionals who want to implement agile approaches in their business strategies to increase flexibility, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. A must for anyone who wants to understand the agile movement and its impact on the modern business world.