Zero Tony Hartl

Selling Sunshine: 75 Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Becoming a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur


“Selling Sunshine” reveals Tony Hartl's principles and strategies for building and managing successful companies, delivered through 75 insightful tips that highlight entrepreneurship and real values. His honest and direct advisor motivates readers to put his advice into practice and achieve sustainable business success.

Zero Tony Hartl


Tony Hartl shares his experiences of setting up his tanning salon chain, Planet Tan, in “Selling Sunshine.” Problem: Many entrepreneurs don't know how to be successful. Solution: Hartl offers 75 practical tips on topics such as leadership, passion and positivity. Outcome: By implementing these strategies, entrepreneurs can successfully build their businesses. The importance of genuine values and mentors is particularly emphasized. A central theme is that Hartl's direct and honest approach motivates readers to actually implement his advice.